Verified Identities for Students
When students sign up they will receive an NFT certification of their identity. Using a one wallet one NFT rule, students will be able to identify themselves to any other part of the educational organization, such as the library, gymnasium, dormitories, student associations, etc. Each of these services would be able to identify the student without the need to ask for or store any personal data again.
By using verified sovereign self-identities, only the persons responsible for verifying the student’s identity in the first instance, require access to the data. Other than that, the only person who holds the data is the student themselves. This means that the organization no longer needs to manage the complex systems for access rights and only needs to secure the device or network where the initial verification is taking place. This would save significant resources spent in hardening the network against data-breaches, staff training on data-protection and in managing access rights.
In conclusion, the purpose of Paideia is providing a place for secure, simple and efficient interaction between students, educational institutions, private teachers and employers, while also being accessible and free to ALL. Current universal and international mechanisms for interaction between all these participants provide a good example of how the pressing problems in education can be solved with the help of Paideia.
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