Verifying Multi-Step Accreditation

Not only will educators use our digital certificates, but organizations which accredit them would also put their own digital signatures onto the blockchain, linked to the NFT of the certificate holder. This would allow for verification that not only Student X holding the NFT who had received a certificate from Institution Y, but also that Institution Y was certified by Accreditation Organization Z.

Our system provides a way to ensure that the educator issuing the certification was licensed by a government, or to verify that the educator had specific quality-certifications, e.g. that an MBA-provider was actually certified with accreditation. Using Paideia, rather than researching these connections, institutions needing to check the ‘pedigree’ of a degree could easily do so with a single click. A fully-automated process would then be able to visualize the accreditation chain and verify that certificates had indeed been issued and that they were still valid for each step of the chain.

Institutions could create self-sovereign identities to store identity-data – in this case the accreditation they had received. Thus, a third-party verifies the validity of the student-certificate against the blockchain, and checks the pedigree of the institution based on the published elements of its identity.

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